Afeka college- Responsive website
UI/UX design
Afeka College, a technological institution in Tel Aviv, offers undergraduate majors in fields such as electrical engineering, mechanical engineering, computer engineering, and more. Recently, Afeka College underwent a rebranding initiative and tasked our company with creating a new website that aligns with its updated branding.
Project overview
The essence of the project was horizontal and orderly. I collaborated closely with the client, who outlined the clear processes they wanted users to follow to register for a college degree. From these discussions, we identified the necessary components and designed a structured grid layout to accommodate the extensive content required
Identifying Challenges
Identifying the pain points in this project revealed a diverse set of challenges. Unlike previous projects, creating a clear grid provided a more calculated and structured result, but it limited the design space for creativity. This constraint required a meticulous focus on user experience (UX)
overcoming the limitations of the structured grid
A balance between the need for a grid structure and the desire for aesthetic design appeal
What matters most?
Creating a Convenient and Simple Interaction
Clear and Concise Information
Simple and Intuitive UI
User Journey Mapping
The challenge
The challenge was to build the components correctly and intuitively, ensuring each part seamlessly connected with those above and below it
The solution
My solution was to create a uniform yet diverse language of components. These components adhered to a structured grid but also introduced elements that broke conventional boundaries. This approach maintained order and consistency while allowing for creative expression and flexibility, resulting in a cohesive and visually engaging design that facilitated easy navigation and information access.
Design Process & Line identity
The design process was both fascinating and challenging. Drawing inspiration from the world of building components like Lego, I aimed to create a design language that was intuitive to connect and assemble. I developed a clear and precise systematization that allowed my design concepts to extend beyond traditional boundaries. This approach not only facilitated ease of use and accessibility but also encouraged creativity and innovation, resulting in a cohesive and versatile design system for the Afeka College website.